PSM Integration
With the myriad of regulations and standards confronting industry these days, time is spent trying to comply rather than doing the work. We can help you integrate PSM into your regular work processes and management systems, instead of having separate systems that are managed separately. The advantage of this is that Process Safety becomes a way of life and not a superimposed set of procedures. The other advantage, of course, is being able to manage well with fewer resources.
With the help of our partners we can extend the integration to other management systems, whether regulatory, certification, or client requirements. This is accomplished with an easy to use database that correlates one type of requirements with others (Preview Database). The database has a one-button audit for each of the separate systems, allowing easy proof of meeting the requirements of each separate management system. We currently have modules for:
- The OSHA PSM Standard (1910.119)
- EPA’s Risk Management Program (RMP)
- ISO 9000
- ISO 14000
- RC 14000
- OHSAS 18000
Modules can be created for any other internal or external set of requirements or regulations.
With our partners we can also offer registration and audit services in any of the above areas.