The KM system can be applied to any type of industry or government organization without exception. Although a KM system can and should be applied enterprise wide, the cost-benefit ratio is very advantageous and the payback almost immediate for specific functions:
- Implementation of a fully controlled and auditable Quality, ISO, or GMP system.
- Full project documentation management (the larger the project, the larger the savings) and integration of the finished project documentation into the business.
- Management of Environmental, Health and Safety (EHS) or Process Safety departments, or others that are in the regulatory arena.
- Businesses that deal with large amounts of contracts, leases and agreements.
- Capture and preservation of critical business processes.
- Creation of an electronic manual for any part of the business or manufacturing process.
Our Services
- Analysis of your business processes and recommendation of a knowledge structure that follows those processes.
- Implementation of the knowledge structure such that is integrated with your processes and doesn’t require continuous attention and care.
- Preparation of a document, gateway or portal through which all the company’s information can be accessed.
- If you don’t currently have a Document Management System, help with bid preparation, vendor selection, purchase and implementation of the system.
- Incorporation and linking of your legacy documents into the system.
- Post-implementation audit of the system and addition of experience-based improvements.
- User training and ‘training of the trainers’.
- Optional implementation and integration of an electronic workflow system.
Special Expertise
For those concerned with Environmental, Health and Safety issues, a KM system can become the cornerstone of an outstanding EHS Management system or of a Process Safety Management (PSM) system. KnowledgeOne has special expertise in those areas.
See our success stories.